Sunday, September 30, 2012

CTMH-- Scholastic WOTG + Artiste Cartridge

Hello, not feeling well this weekend. Started this layout earlier in the week and had some energy today to complete it.

To document my daughter's first day of 8th grade in 2011, I used CTMH's Scholastic Workshop on The Go (WOTG).   If you recall, I used this stamp set to create the 'French Fry' gift card box. To add some additional details, I used the CTMH Artiste Cartridge and cut out a 'Library Card Holder' and some 'Roledex Cards'-- how cute!  The pennants were cut out with the Art Philosophy cartridge. 

Thanks, Maureen:)

Inks:  Outdoor Denim, Ruby, Dessert Sand.
Paper/Stamps:  Scholastic WOTG and Approved Stamp Set. (WOTG also includes: Canvas Shapes and Durable Squares)
Other:  Canvas Letters, Twine, and Corrugated Star.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Basic Grey-- Oxford School Kit

Hello, back again:) 

A month or two ago, I did a 2 page layout using the Basic Grey's Oxford line.  I got the kit from the Crop Shop in Rockland MA.  You know me..  I followed the kit and then started to deviate and added a bunch of CTMH products in, of course.  There is a reason that I don't assemble furniture from IKEA!

Anyway, on the Oxford line, I loved the glasses especially since my youngest daughter had to get her first pair last year.  Last night I was again reminded of my daughter's glasses.  At only 9 years old, guess what she wants...???  Contacts, yes contacts!!  I almost died!  She stated that other kids were already wearing them in 4th grade!   I told her no, not yet because she was still growing and her eyes were still changing, etc. 

Two weeks ago, the hygienist came out to talk to me because my older 14 year old daughter had inquired about getting her teeth whitened.  Thank goodness we were on the same page-- NO, too young!

This brings me back to when I grew up.
  • Braces:  we didn't have invisible ones or ones with lots of cool colors.  Instead, we had huge silver ones that we had to wear for 3-4 years.  And, remember the retainer headband thing!
  • Teeth Whitening:  did it even exist?  What ever color your teeth were, you were stuck with it.
  • Hair:  mine was curly, curly-- untamable.  There were no products back them to straighten your hair, only hair dryers and curling irons.  And, even if products did exist our parents would be like go babysit, make money and buy it yourself!
  • Acne:  God help us if we had a breakout!.  All we could reach for was Clearasil and maybe if we were lucky, it would be the tinted skin color kind!
  • Glasses:   not too much of a selection and I think contacts didn't even exist!
  • Telephones:  we had to call on landlines to make plans.  There were no answering machines, but somehow we all managed to meet up and hang out.
  • Texting:  Closest thing was shorthand.  But, who took that?  Instead, we wrote letters to our pen pals.
You get the point here.  So funny!  If you have any stories to share about this issue, please leave a comment:)
Thanks, Maureen

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Card Class Sunday, 9/23/12, 11 am

Hi, we are meeting again on Sunday at 11 am in Braintree. This month, you have a choice of kits to make: Scholastic, Avonlea, or any combination you'd like. If you decide to make 2 kits, then select the kits on the PayPal drop-down box under 'Workshops'. Yes, I'm getting high-tech!

So far, people have signed up for both Scholastic and Avonlea. I'll be busy cutting on Friday/Saturday, so sign up under Paypal or email me. Thanks, Maureen:)

CTMH-- Avonlea Card Set

Hi again, I've wanted to create a nice card set for a while. With the teacher set out of the way, it was time to do one for a friend! As you know, I love CTMH's new Avonlea line-- the colors are beautiful. For the box, I again cut out an 11.5 inch French Fry box from the CTMH Art Philosophy cartridge.

To create the cards, I primarily used 2 stamps sets from the Spring/Summer catalog. So they are still available:) Stamps:

-The Best Things; C1503; $13.95
-Beautiful Friendship; B1400; $9.95

I also used a stamp from CTMH's other cartridge-- Artise.

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen:)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

CTMH-- Scholastic (WOTG) Cards-- Gift for Teachers


My daughters just finished their first week of school.  We had one last trip to Staples last night, but think that will be the last one for a while-- at least!

The last couple of years, I try to make a little gift for my daughter's teachers.  In years past, we could actually give gift cards, money, and class gifts.  However, that has all changed-- no more gifts of that kind are allowed. 

So, I started making gifts.  (Don't tell the school, but this is harder than giving monetary gifts!!)  Anyway, below is the set I made for my youngest daughter's 4th grade teacher.

All of the supplies are CTMH, with the exception of the red apples, which were cut using the Plantin Schoolbook Cricut Cartridge. The stamps are from CTMH's Scholastic WOTG kit.  The stamps have that 1960's feel when we used to read "Dick and Jane".  However, other stamps in the set are quite modern.

The French Fry box was cut using CTMH's Art Philosophy's cartridge.  For the French Fry Box, the size is 11.5 inches.  Both of CTMH's 3D objects cut small score lines which make the assembly even something I can handle!  The small 'Library Card Holder' was cut using CTMH's other cartridge-- Artiste!  I am loving both cartridges.  The list of the other CTMH supplies are listed after the pictures.

Have a happy September, Maureen:)

CTMH Supplies:
Inks: Black (z2105), Outdoor Demin (z2410), Ruby (z2470), and Desert Sand (z2118)

Paper:  Scholastic Paper Pack (Part of Kit G1049)

Other:  Harvest Twine (z1751), Square Durables (z1705)

Cricut:  Art Philosophy (z1686) and Artise (z1790)

Stamps: Scholastic WOTG (G1049), Blue Ribbon (C1464), and Art Philosophy's Frames, Tags and Borders

Monday, September 3, 2012

CTMH-- La Belle Vie WOTG (Locks of Love)

Hi, just as I said on my last post, my birthday always signifies that summer is coming to an end:( 

My girls are heading back to school on Wednesday.  The older one is excited to go back to school and the younger one not so much!  During the school year, every morning my younger daughter says, "Mom I don't want to go to school!".  I reply, "I don't want to go to work either, but I have to!!".

Anyway, I fell in love with CTMH's new "La Belle Vie" line right when I saw it.  It wasn't just that I visited Paris or that I love all things French, it was the colors, stamps, and paper that spoke to me.  So, then I had to make a choice... what event is worthy of this line??  It wasn't too hard to find some the most appropriate pictures.

My youngest daughter, Abby, donated 10 inches of her hair in July 2012 to 'Locks of Love'.  As you know Locks of Love create wigs for young children.  Here is some info below:

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

It took Abby over 2 years for her hair to grow and meet the Locks of Love guidelines.  Thankfully, Abby still had a short bob afterwards after donating 10 inches.  I am so proud that my daughter chose to do this thoughtful, caring gesture.  Hopefully some child out there is enjoying Abby's black, straight hair.  Thank you Abby!

PS The last picture was from the Workshop on the Go kit.  As usual, I switched somethings around:)