Wednesday, December 9, 2015

White Pines Interactive Paper Bag Book-- January 9th Class

Hi, as promised here is video of the interactive paper bag book using CTMH's White Pines paper line.  The book was designed by Robyn Serino.  Everyone that has seen this book in person just absolutely loves it!  I hope this video will show you why!

Robyn will be teaching this class on January 9th at 2pm.  Please sign up under the 'Kits' tab.  We only have a limited number of kits available.

Thanks for tuning in:)  Maureen

CTMH-- White Pines Interactive, Paper Bag Book

Hi, we are holding our first overnight crop on January 7-10, 2016 in Hyannis MA at the Resort and Conference Center.  We were very lucky to have our creative and talented friend, Robyn Serino, create an adorable interactive, paper-bag book!  The book is full of pull-outs and tags.

Robyn will teach this class in Hyannis at 2 pm on Saturday, January 9th.  The cost of the class is $32 and includes all materials, which will be pre-cut.  The class will take approximately 2 hours and you will leave with lots of inspiration for other projects!

Below is a look a the book.  I've created a video!  So stay tuned for that.  If you are interested in taking the class, please sign up for the class under the 'Kits' tab. If you will not be able to attend the class, but would like to order kit, there is an option for that as well.

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen:)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

CTMH-- Sangria WOTG

Hello, I'm back again with the second layout (LO) from the Sangria WOTG.  This LO is one that CTMH designed, modified slightly.

My oldest daughter attends her homecoming dance each fall.  The Sangria line is perfect for those fall pictures.  I just renamed the title to 'Family of friends' vs. 'Family'.  These friends are like family, fellow sisters to Shaelin.

Because I'm also fascinated with chevrons, I put an extra strip of paper in the design, along with a journaling box. 
Again, added the chevron strip.  Stamped a couple of extra sentiments.

Here is the first LO that I created based (loosely) on sketch.

Overall, I am very pleased with the Sangria paper line and WOTG. I will be teaching these LOs at our overnight crop in January.  To sign up, please see kit section blog.

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

SOTM Blog Hop-- December

Hello, welcome to the December CTMH SOTM blog hop!  If you've come here from Jeanie's blog, then you are on the right path.  The hop is one big circle and should you get lost along the way, please click HERE.

The December SOTM, Candlelight Garden, is a set of 10 stamps.  I'm loving CTMH's new water-color paints.  So, I embossed the vase and flower images in gold and then simply painted in the colors.  The embossing made the painting very easy, it kept me in the lines!   

To give the card some contrast, I then dry embossed the purple cardstock with the CTMH Damask embossing folder.

For the second item, I choose to make a little tag.  Often times, I give out little candles to helpers or friends.  I thought the sentiment "Friend, you're a light in my life" worked perfectly!

To see the candle image, I stamped this first in Bamboo ink.  Next, I stamped the sentiment in Gypsy ink and then the flame in Canary.
Components of candle gift.

Please remember that this stamp is only available from December 1st through December 31st.  If you don't have a consultant and would like to get this stamp at a discounted price, then please click HERE

Next up on the hop is Jacquelin-- here is the link:  Blog link. Please be sure to visit all of the consultants' blogs.  Thanks so much for stopping by!  Maureen