Sunday, October 30, 2011

MFT-- Pure Innocence-- Sketch MFTWSC43

While I was making this card today I kept singing "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go!".   My oldest daughter loves to bake.  Besides our family sharing in her goodies, she usually makes a batch or extra loaf for my parents.  Both of my parents have a sweet tooth-- gee I wonder why I do too?!?

Anyway, I dressed up the pumpkin bread to match the card with twine and a stamped tag.  My mother was so impressed! She even thought I purchased the bread from a speciality shop near my house.  I said-- no-- it was Shaelin and I:)

While we all had tea, my parents enjoyed the pumpkin bread.  We were lucky too because my mom baked her "Irish" bread.  She makes 2 kinds-- one traditional soda bread and another simply called bran bread.  I absolutely love her bran bread.  As a kid, this was our staple for lunch in Ireland--- tea and bran bread.  Sounds weird now, but there were no cold cuts or PB&J back then in Ireland.

Lastly, I based this card on this week's MFT sketch.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

CTMH-- Discounted Christmas Stamp for AP Cricut Cartridge

Wow, just when we thought it could not get any better!  In November, if you spend $25.00 on acrylic stamps, then you can get this stamp set for only $5!  The stamped images can be cut with the CTHM Cricut cartridge.  Great deal!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

CTMH- Sympathy card using Dreamin' and Card Chatter

Of all the cards that I've made, this is my first Sympathy one.  Being Catholic, I typically send a Mass card.  However, this person is very special to me.  Dee is the owner of a local scrapbook store (lss), where she has helped my creativity flourish.  She gave me the confidence to believe that I had (some!) artist talent. Dee's ideas, lessons, and tips have truly inspired me.  They helped me venture out here into the consultant world.  For all of that, plus being a good friend, I offer my condolences to Dee and her family as the mourn the loss of Saul, Dee's father.   As you can see, a purchased would never help me express all the things that Dee is to me. 

CTMH-- Christmas Cards, First Batch!

Typically I hate to see anything related to Christmas until November.  I rode by one house last night and it was all lite up.  Thankfully, it was decorated for Halloween, not Christmas!  Despite all these feelings, there is one aspect of Christmas that needs to be done well before the commercials start or the lights go up and that is making Christmas cards!!  In an effort to get started, here is my first batch.  There will be many more to come!  Thanks, Maureen

Friday, October 14, 2011

CTMH Miracle and Bliss papers lines available while supplies last!

Hello, if you loved the Miracle and Bliss CTMH paper lines as much as I did, then you have another chance to purchase them-- now at a discount.  They are available on my CTMH website under "while supplies last".  Miracle, shown below is $5.00 and Bliss $3.00!  Thanks, Maureen


Sunday, October 2, 2011

CTMH 2012 6X6 Calendar

A few of my customers asked that we work on a 6X6 calendar.  Some wanted to give them to a teacher and others to keep for themselves.  I'll end up making 2-- one for my office and one for my daughter's 3 grade teacher! As I was making the calendar, I kept asking my family which month looked the best?  Everyone including myself liked May.  The bicycle from the double stamp set (National Stamping Month) is so lovely.  I want to skip by winter and go right to spring!

The cost of the class is $30.  It covers all materials and everything will be pre-cut.  You will walk away with  a charming calendar that is all your own!