Sunday, October 30, 2011

MFT-- Pure Innocence-- Sketch MFTWSC43

While I was making this card today I kept singing "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go!".   My oldest daughter loves to bake.  Besides our family sharing in her goodies, she usually makes a batch or extra loaf for my parents.  Both of my parents have a sweet tooth-- gee I wonder why I do too?!?

Anyway, I dressed up the pumpkin bread to match the card with twine and a stamped tag.  My mother was so impressed! She even thought I purchased the bread from a speciality shop near my house.  I said-- no-- it was Shaelin and I:)

While we all had tea, my parents enjoyed the pumpkin bread.  We were lucky too because my mom baked her "Irish" bread.  She makes 2 kinds-- one traditional soda bread and another simply called bran bread.  I absolutely love her bran bread.  As a kid, this was our staple for lunch in Ireland--- tea and bran bread.  Sounds weird now, but there were no cold cuts or PB&J back then in Ireland.

Lastly, I based this card on this week's MFT sketch.

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