Monday, January 30, 2012

CTMH-- Layout using 'Super Heros' Paper, Stamps and Rub-ons

When I think of Superman, I think of boys and capes.  Well a trip to "Dick's Last Resort" changed that!!

During Christmas vacation, I took my daughter and her 5 friends to Frog Pond in Boston to ice skate and then to Faneuil Hall for dinner.  I had never been to Dick's, so the girls explained that the wait staff is rude, yell and throw food at you.  Plus, the staff make these hats with embarrassing sayings.  So.... I'm like, "And, I'm paying for this-- why??"  It would be cheaper if we just go home, eat at my house, get paper b-day hats & write on them with a sharpie, and I'll yell at you all night!!  I'm only kidding:)

The waiter was rude, but didn't make us hats and was late with the drinks, etc.  Of course, I had to say something-- after all we wanted those hats!  Because I stood up and demanded the hats, the waiter correctly called me 'High Maintenance' and wrote it on my hat.  I was okay with that b/c most moms will do what ever it takes for their kids to be happy-- including going to a crazy restaurant!

All the supplies used were from CTMH new 'Super Hero' line.  I used the Paper Pack, Rub-ons, Badge Buttons, and Stamp.  CTMH now carries baker's twine-- yippie!!  Also, check out the hidden message. 

If there is enough interest, I may teach this class. 
Thanks, Maureen

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