Friday, February 24, 2012

CTMH Card-- Card Word Puzzle and Pemberley Paper

Here's a card using CTMH's new stamp:  Card Word Puzzle.  The stamp not only has beautiful flowers, but also many, many sayings that you can change up and put together-- Happy Birthday, Sorry for Your Loss, Bridal Shower, Congratulations, etc. 

My favorite has to be 'Happy Belated Birthday'!  If anyone really knows me, they know that I'm always late with cards-- sorry!  I sort of grew up this way.  For instance, my birthday is in mid August and although I didn't know the exact date we'd celebrate my birthday, I knew it would be before Labor Day!  So, we sort of celebrated a birthday month vs. just one day. 

Looks like I'll be making more of these 'Belated' cards:)

All the products below are CTMH.  The ink pad was Outdoor Denim and the marker Autumn Terracotta.  The paper is CTMH's new line:  Pemberley.  If these products are calling your name, then call me:)  Lord knows, I have everything!

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