Thursday, August 2, 2012

CTMH-- Mischief Christmas Layout (LO)

Hello, well the 'Christmas in July' crop hosted by Creation Destinations (The Crop Shop in Rockland) and Scrapbook Village really inspired me to finish up my Christmas LO's! 

In 2011, our household was lucky to have an Elf on The Shelf, named Elvis, come and visit. And true to his name, Elvis liked to cause havoc!!  As the pictures below show, Elvis was found hanging around my daughter's bunk bed, in her tissue box and also in the bathroom sitting on the toilet paper roll!! 

Wonder what the Elf on the Shelf will do this Christmas?  Thanks to Pinterest, we have lots of ideas!
Thanks for stopping by-- Maureen:)

Supplies:  CTMH Mischief Paper and Stickers; CTMH Art Philosopy Cartridge for shapes and leters; and CTMH inks:  Holiday Red and Pear. 

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