Monday, October 1, 2012

Liebster Award-- My first blog award:)


Yippee-- I won!!!


In July of 2011, I started blogging.  At the time, I didn't know how to take blog pictures and had 3 followers, all of whom were family members-- including me!  I remember reading other blogs and seeing all the awards that fellow blogger had earned.  For instance, a local fellow CTMH consultant (Debbie Carriere) had so many awards that she had to create a separate page! 
So, I continued this blogging journey, had my artwork occasionally pinned on Pinterest, and slowly earned followers along the way.  I remembered when Tamra Pope started following me.  As a blogger, you are both honored to gain another follower and at the same time surprised.  You think-- wow, maybe I'm not so bad!  Seems like some artists, particularly myself, often see the mistakes and not the creativity and uniqueness. 
I would like to thank Tamra Pope, a fellow CTMH consultant, for the award.  Tamra's work is phenomenal.  She recently won the 2012 Album of the Year at CTMH's annual convention in Texas.  If Tamra hadn't just earned an award, I would have nominated her myself.  Please check out Tamra's blog.  Expect to be there for a while:)  
Liebster is a German word meaning "Beloved," "Favorite," or "Dearest." This award is a peer to peer award in which fellow bloggers present the award to their favorite bloggers with less than 200 followers. The origins of this award is unclear, but is believed to have originated by a German blogger. This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion to share your dearest and most beloved blogs that have less than 200 followers.
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have less than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award!

So now comes the fun part! I get to give out 5 nominations, which is very hard since I'm an avid blog reader!!  Here are 5 fabulous blogs with less than 200 followers that I would like to pass the Liebster Award on to.  Please check them out.  Thank you, Maureen


  1. Congrats on winning this Award! Tamra's blog is awesome but so is yours! You earned this award totally!!! Kathi

  2. Your words are too kind, I remember when I came across your blog, you blew me away:). I honestly think you are going all the way! You should submit your artwork for every contest you can....and you will win BIG! You bring so much inspiration to me, thank you. Call me anytime to chat, one artist to another.
