Thursday, January 31, 2013

CTMH-- February Stamp of the Month Blog Hop

Welcome to our Stamp of the Month Blog Hop! We will be featuring February's SOTM, which is "Home Sweet Home" (S1302).  If you have come here from Judy's blog then you are on the right path! The blog hop is a great big circle, so you can start here and work your way all around. If you get lost along the way, you’ll find the complete list of participating consultants here at Kathleen’s blog.  

This month we have more that 60 Close To My Heart Consultants sharing their creations using this month's SOTM and other great CTMH products on their blogs. This is simple to do - just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! Here we go!

The February SOTM contains four large stamps. When I saw these stamps, they made me think of my family-- my daughters and dog Rosie:)  Rather than do a layout or card, I thought I try something different.  For a while I've wanted to make a 'chicken wire' frame, where I could change out the pictures by just un-clipping them.  CTMH made this easy because they now carry miniture clothes pins!

Well, too bad CTMH didn't make 'Chicken wire' Frames too!  In addition to the frame, I got a roll of chicken wire and a new staple gun (danger!).  In the end, I love how it came out.  This is truly an altered project for me!

Be sure to visit the other CTMH consultant blogs.  Next up is Kim.  For more inspiration visit Kim's blog:  Kim's blog
Thanks, Maureen:)


  1. Gosh, this is cute. Love that chicken wire look. :)

  2. Thanks Casandra! I'm not into construction tools, so the massive stapler gun was pretty scary:)

  3. Love this! This is very cool!

  4. I LOVE this idea and now I will have to find some chicken wire. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I love this chicken wire frame and the mini clothespins are a perfect touch!

  6. What a super fun- and adorable- idea!

  7. Awesome!, I will be showcasing this project on this week's FCCB Scrappin on Saturday! Cindy

  8. Cindy, is FCCB-- Fantabulous Cricut Challenge? Are you a CTMH rep?
    Let me know, thanks, Maureen
