Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CTMH May SOTM Blog Hop & Creative Scrappers' Sketch:)

Welcome to our Stamp of the Month Blog Hop! We will be featuring May's SOTM, which is called Pinwheel, a set of 10 stamps. If you have come here from Georgia's blog,you are on the right path! The blog hop is a great big circle, so you can start here and work your way all around. If you get lost along the way, you’ll find the complete list of participating consultants here Helen's Blog.

This month we have over 60 Close To My Heart Consultants sharing their creations using this month's SOTM and other great CTMH products on their blogs. This is simple to do - just click on the link at the end of the post on each blog to move to the next one! Here we go!

The May SOTM with all of it's pinwheels reminds me of Spring and fun, so I broke out the Dream Pop paper.  CTMH is running a special in the month of May.  See post below this one if you want to learn how to get this gorgeous paper for only $10.  If you'll look closely, you'll see that the pack comes with some 'resist ink' paper.  I simply took a dauber and inked it up with CTMH's Slate ink.  Next, I rubbed in on the paper and all the cool patterns popped up.  The effect is soooo cool!

For the LO sketch, I used the April Sketch from Creative Scrappers.  I love that site-- so many ideas, so little time!!  What is a girl to do, except Scrapbook:)

Creative Scrapper's Sketch

If you'd like to earn the SOTM for only $5, then please visit my website; Maureen's CTMH.  Don't forget CTMH's National Scrapbooking special as well!!

Okay, let's move on... next up is Alyson, please visit her blog: Alyson's Blog.  I have long been a fan of Alyson's work and nominated her for a Liebster Award in the Fall.

Have fun and thanks so much for stopping by:) Maureen


  1. Way cool layout, love the techniques you used and the picture is very unique. Love how you stepped outside the box with this project....amazing....amazing...amazing :)

  2. Thanks Tamra!! I never inked so much:)

  3. Wow, this is brilliant! I love the photos!

  4. a very unique layout... love the Andy Warhol photos!

  5. Love how you used that cute sketch. You have an adorable daughter.

  6. What a neat idea! Love the color choices
