Monday, July 29, 2013

Echo Park-- Bella Road and Special thanks to my first follwer-- Nancy K

Hi, I hope you all are enjoying the summer.  It's been quite hot here in Boston.  I'm not much of a pool person, but I'd jump in everyday if we had a pool-- preferably a salt water pool:) 

Anyway, my blog now has over 150 followers, both through blogger and email!  Yippee!!  I remember 1-2 years ago, I kept saying, 'why am I doing this?', 'what if my work (or my neighbors) read this!'.  Well, all sort of questions.

My very first follower was a local craft teacher/designer, Nancy K.  Nancy's work is beautiful-- so detailed, just stunning.  I felt so honored to have her as a follower, my first follower.  When Nancy relocated to a much warmer southern state, I was glad she continued to read my blog and comment.

In addition to being my first follower, Nancy made quite an impression on me.  She would often give me advice or highlight something that she liked.  After winning 1st place during a local weekend crop (LO below), Nancy told me that I had real talent.  This was turning point for me because I finally saw that talent in myself-- no more doubts.

When I saw the CTMH military stamps, I thought of Nancy right away.  Her son is actively serving as a Marine and just re-enlisted for another 4 years!  As a small token of my appreciation, this stamp set is for Nancy.  Nancy, thanks for following me and believing in me!  Thank you also for your son's support-- we have much to be grateful for!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Maureen! I am humbled by your comments. You truly are a gifted woman... And it has nothing to do with me. Hope all is well with your family. Miss you
