Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Wicked" Excited that my b-day is coming:)

Hi, my b-day is a few days away!  Being in my late 40's, birthdays aren't as fun as they used to be:(.  All of sudden I need my magnifying glasses to read everything and upon waking up each morning, I have to stretch for 30 minutes!  The stretching includes using an "Inversion Table".  Both of my daughters came to see me invert yesterday morning and my dog even licked my face as I was partially upside down!  The thought of all of this makes me laugh now!

Well despite all the bad things that go along with getting older, a friend once told me that it is good to celebrate life (like a birthday) and to be thankful for all you have.  Recently, I remembered this when I was in pain.  I was feeling bad for myself (a mini-pity party) while walking to the doctor's appointment.  I just wanted one pain free day--  just feel like my young self again. 

Upon entering Tufts Medical Center where my doctor is located, I quickly realized how much I did have and how little my injury was compared to others.  I walked by people in wheel chairs and a woman that looked like she just lost her sight, as her daughter helped her navigate the hospital halls.

When you are in pain, whether physical or emotionally, it is hard to remember that there is always someone in a worst predicament than you.  And, things can get better as you try alternatives, change your life style and in some cases just accept them. 

In terms of my neck pain, I am getting better.  As much as I hate having to stretch for 30 minutes in the morning and at night, it is now part of my life, my routine.  I've accepted all that comes with getting older-- the good and bad.  With all this wisdom and acceptance I now I find myself looking forward to this birthday, a time to celebrate all that I do have!

Luckily, my husband and daughters purchased tickets to 'Wicked' as a gift to me.  We are all looking forward to going tomorrow night!  (BTW, in Boston we say wicked all the time-- I'm wicked excited or that is wicked embarrassing!!.  Wicked in Boston means very * 10!)

I created the b-day card below using CTMH new circle spin card and new mini stamps.  The mini stamps are on page 113 of the new catalog and are a deal at $2.95! 

Anyway, thanks for listening to me today and have a wicked good day! 
Thanks, Maureen:)

CTMH Supplies:
Circle Spin Card (Z1866)
Laughing Lola Paper (X7170B)
Mini Stamp: Heartfelt Birthday Wish  (M1033)
Laughing Lola Embellishments (Z1854)


  1. You and I are August babies. I just celebrated mine on Sunday. You are right that there are people out there suffering worse than what our ailments are. Sometimes, it helps to have perspective of it, though. After seeing a new doctor on Monday, he said to me that what is troubling me is just part of LIFE. We all have our own struggles. Of course, he's right. Anyways, after rambling which I seem to do a lot of at my stage of the game (LOL), I wish you the happiest of birthdays. Enjoy Wicked with your family. What a treat!

  2. Happy belated b-day Casandra! Wow, we have a lot in common-- August b-days, love of crafting, and painful little aliments!! Plus, I can talk up a storm too! Thanks for the encouraging words. Sometimes I do think it's only happening to me. Then you look around and see so many people who are worse off.

    Thank you again! Celebrate all August long:) Maureen
