Sunday, February 16, 2014

October Afternoon (OA) 'Campfire' LO-- with CTMH Artbooking

Hi, I've been trying to get caught up scrapbooking Abby's Girl Scouts Camp.  This summer will be her 3rd year at overnight camp.  The first year she did one week and then two weeks last year.  This year she will go for 3 sessions!  Abby just loves Girl Scouts and their summer camps. So, I better get cracking and finish the first year!

Abby took these photos at night in her cabin.  Apparently after the lights went out the girls stayed up to chat a bit. 

I made another tent. As my other post stated it is super easy!  Just make a triangle and the cut from the bottom to ~ 1/2 way up. Next fold back the doors and add some background paper, done!

I got the idea for this LO from CTMH's Artbooking.  There are many sample LOs like the one below. Thanks for stopping by. If you'd like to purchase the Artbooking for $99 (no shipping or tax, a $14 savings), then email me at or leave a comment. Maureen:)

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