Sunday, May 11, 2014

CTMH-- Skylark LO

Hello, for all us mothers out there, I hope you had a nice day!  For everyone, I also wish the same! The weather here in Boston is beautiful today!  Spring has finally sprung!

Here is a quick LO that I did last week.  It took me about 35 mins to complete it and that includes inking everything in Desert Sand.

The photos are of my daughter outside Boston's Museum of Fine Arts.  During the fall, we went to see the Singer Sargent display.  It was truly breath-taking!
Here's a close up of the LO.  You'll see many layers here.  The Skylark paper has that vintage shabby chic look.  To give the LO some height, I used the Skylark Dimensionals and Assortment pack.  I also cut out 3 arrows and popped them up.

 If you love this paper and want to create a similar or the same LO, the CTMH supplies are listed below or contact me.
Have a great week! Thanks for stopping by, Maureen:)

Paper/Embellishments: Skylark (X7177B); Skylark Compliments (X7177C); and Skylark Assortment (Z3000)
Inks: Desert Sand
Other: Lagoon Zipper Lace (Z1917)
Non CTMH:  Maya Road 'Hello'

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