Sunday, May 25, 2014

OA Seaside-- 1 page LO

Hi, hope you are enjoying this Memorial Day weekend!  Here's a one page LO that I did last month.  My goal was to make it fast within 30 mins-- no fuss.

I have a bunch of October Afternoon's (OA's) retired 'Seaside' paper line.  Yes I hoard paper that I like!

The paper worked wonderfully to document my daughter's boating experience at LegoLand in CA.

To give the LO some pop, I cut out the banners and popped them up.  I backed the pictures using CTMH's cranberry card-stock.
Here's a close-up.  She did a great job driving her boat!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Monday:)  Maureen


  1. That's a great 30 min layout! I always waste a lot of time deciding when I am actually done with one and move it to a pile and start a new one. Yea, I know its a shame.

  2. Thanks Tamika! I used a sketch and wanted to do something simple. I usually spend a lot more time! Maureen
