Saturday, March 28, 2015

OA Daily Flash-- My first intentional selfie:)

Hello, I went to a weekend crop last week and got a bunch of LOs done!

Here's one 2-page showcasing October Afternoon's (OA's) Daily Flash line.  I was attracted to this line because it had a lot of cameras, flashes, word bubbles, etc.  It is chaotic and busy and reminds me of the technical life we now live in-- cell phones, facebook, vine, selfies, etc. 

But.... I have a confession to make:  My first intentional selfie occurred this past summer in Newport RI!!!  OMG!  I say intentional because I've taken loads of pictures with my iPhone.  And, sometimes the lens is pointing at my face by accident and not the subject.  I'm sure that has happened to you.  You know-- you are taking this awesome picture and you go to look at the iPhone screen and see this person that you don't know looking at you!  Then, you realize it's you!  And your like-- I don't look that bad??  Do I????  Finally you accept it.  Okay its me-- I'll save these pictures for the "before pictures" of the diet I have yet to start:)  I'll look better, someday!

So enough of what's in my head,  it was time to be prepared for the actual, real selfie-- pose, pucker up and take a lot of pictures. 

Here's what came out...For one of selfies I'm a bit serious.  The second one is more like me with the laugh!
 Here's page 2 of the LO.  Guess where we were for celebratory selfie event? 

The Rosecliff Mansion in Newport RI, a.k.a. The Great Gatbsy mansion.

After I stopped with the selfies, my daughter took a picture of my kissing a lion statue.

Above is the complete two page LO.  I had fun working with this bright and fun paper line!  Of all the pages I did on my scrapbook weekend my daughters liked this one best.  They remember this day; the day when their mom took her first intentional selfie:) 

What is next for me??  If you say texting-- I've done that.  However, I'm not a master of texting.  Check out one of the pictures of the pictures in my LO.  I wanted to say "I'm on the highway".  What came out was "wet on hey"!!

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen:)

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