Thursday, April 30, 2015

SOTM Blog Hop-- May

Hello, welcome to the May SOTM blog hop!  If you arrived here from Jen's Blog, then you are on the right path.  Should you get lost along the way, please see Melinda's Blog for a list of participants. 

The May SOTM "Just Sayin" contains 14 cute, fun images.  Recently, I worked on some girl scouts layouts and wasn't quite done.  I like to add a variety of elements to my pages-- sequins, metals, stickers, washi, inks and of course paper-- lots of it!  The variety of elements just breaks it up and adds flair.  I know, I know its the pictures that tell the story, but I like to color things in:)

Anyway, to complement the use of arrows on the bottom, I stamped a couple of triangles and put them at the top of the page and pointed them downward like arrows.  The arrows (triangles) at the top, point to the sign 'dining hall', which was one of daughter's favorite places while at camp.

On the left hand side, the blue 'Life is good' is a sticker and I stamped a 'Full of Goodness' arrow in Barn Red. Yes that is stamped!  And, what is nice is that you can reuse this stamp on other pages!  Just change the ink to match the paper you are working with.

Below is a close-up.  For the tree-bark, I used CTMH's Artbooking Cricut cartridge.  Psst.... if you do not own this cartridge, then you need to get it, as it is a must have for scrap-bookers!!

I used Art Philosophy to cut out the circle.  I love deer and used a die for this image.

Well thanks for stopping by. If you don't have a consultant, then please contact me. 

Now you can continue on with the hop
and be inspired by more creative ideas
using this stamp set by visiting 
Gina's Blog next.
Enjoy the hop!!

Thanks, Maureen