Friday, July 3, 2015

Authentique 'Anchored' Layouts

Hi, it's almost the 4th of July!!  I had today off and was able to take photos of some LOs that I recently created. 

Before I share them I just wanted to ask-- do you often feel like there is no time to scrap or card-make?  I often find myself waiting for that big weekend crop when I can get 40 pages done!  The problem is that absolutely love to scrapbook.  So why not do it more and feel good more?? 

With this in mind, I carved out time over the last 2 weeks and created 5 pages!!   I was able to scrapbook my trip to Connecticut last summer.  Some of the pages are nice and 'blog-worthy' and others not so much.  But I don't care.  The point is I made time for myself and felt good!  Wow!

Here is 2 of the pages that I created.  I chose to work with Authentique's Anchored paper line.  The paper line debuted last year and living on the Boston seashore it was a must have for me.

This page captures our night at Goodspeed Theater where we saw Fiddler on the Roof. 

BTW, we had no idea we were staying feet away from an award winning theater!
Here's a close-up.  I spritzed some red ink onto the page to jazz it up. 

The Connecticut title was purchased at a local scrap store in CT.
The second day of our trip we took a little boat tour of the Thistle Islands-- looks like I have to add a "S" to the title!!

The Thistle Islands were spectacular.  Houses are built on large rocks.

I have no idea who is on that paddle board, but the dog is so stinking cute!

I hope these LOs inspire you to dust off those supplies and carve out some time for yourself. 

If you are local, we also offer monthly 8-hour crops.

Thanks for stopping by and tune in tomorrow for 3 more LOs. 

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