Monday, November 30, 2015

CTMH-- Sangria LO

Hi, here's a LO using the Sangria paper line.  Some people have shied away from this bright, festive line, but I say bring it on!  I just love it.

On Wednesday, I'll show you a LO using the Sangria WOTG.  Here's what I did for the second LO.  I did my own thing.    If you've been reading my blog, you know that in addition to lighthouses I have a fascination to circles and arrows.  CTMH must have been reading my mind because they included these shapes in the new Artistry Cricut cartridge.  Check them out in orange!

Notice that Grateful for you-- also cut from the new CTMH Artistry Cartridge.

For the beige journal note, I cut it from Artbooking.  This is my go to for journaling blocks.
Okay second page.  I wish I had moved pictures a little bit more to the left.  But, everything works in scrapbooking! 

All these pics were taken last year.  We visited an outdoor sculpture museum.  Such a wonderful day, such great memories!

That's it for today.  Tune in tomorrow for the SOTM blog hop and then back on Wednesday for the second page of this workshop.

Thanks, Maureen

x7199b         z3084          z3094          g1097-- kit comes with supplies shown + stamp

     z3093          z3137

Sunday, November 29, 2015

CTMH-- Ombre Cards

Hello, just 2 more days in November and then we are onto December.  I have lots of shopping to do:)  But in the mean time, here are some cards that Julie helped me demo at our latest 12 hour crop. 

CTMH now carries water-colors.  Kathy Skipper, a fellow CTMH consultant, created beautiful cards using an ombre technique. 

Julie and I replicated these cards with a variety of colors. 

What is your favorite color?
This is my favorite color.  Also, with all of these Hello's do you find yourself singing Adele's new song-- "Hello from the other side!".  I can't stop singing it.

The floral stamp used in this card is the September SOTM.  If you missed out on this stamp, don't despair because I still have a few extras.  Email me if interested--

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

Here's a list of other supplies needed. 
44751           z3132          z3188          z3146-- water color paper

Other:  white and black card stock.
September SOTM

Sunday, November 22, 2015

CTMH Planners-- Planners gotta Plan!

Hi, I'm so excited!!  CTMH is coming out with a Planner system!  It will be available on December 1st through December 31st for a special price.  Watch this video to see how to get yours.

Email or call me if interested.
Thanks, Maureen

Saturday, November 21, 2015

BG Adrift LO

Hello, I'm back again.  Here's another LO that I made a while back, but never posted.  I have a bunch of cards to post too!

I love lighthouses and in 2014 we vacationed in Newport RI.  After seeing the mansions and shopping, it was lighthouse time.  On our little boat trip we saw 4 lighthouses!

Below is a LO using Basic Grey's (BG) Adrift line.
For the design, I used a sketch on Pinterest. I just love circles and arrows! I've used this sketch before on a CTMH LO.

The two lighthouses shown are:  Newport Harbor Lighthouse and Beavertail Lighthouse.  The Beavertail Lighthouse is actually in Jamestown RI-- right next to Newport.
That's it for now. 
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen


Friday, November 20, 2015

CTMH White Pines WOTG-- available only through 12/31/15

Hello,  I haven't posted in a bit.  My dad has been suffering from Parkinson's for over 4 years.  The last year has been very tough on him and my family.  He has been out of the hospital and nursing homes since last December.  All we can do is pray and savor our time with him.

Here is a two 2-page LO that I created using CTMH's White Pine Workshop On The Go (WOTG).  This paper line will only be available through the end of December or when supplies last.  Therefore, if you like it please order it.

For the first LO, I pretty much followed the WOTG instructions.  The green 'Fern' wreath, JOY words, red journal box, stamped Christmas Tree, Banner, and Holly leaves were all cut using CTMH's new Cricut cartridge called Artistry.  This cartridge is great and suits both the card-maker and scrap-booker!

Here are close-ups of both pages.  The workshop comes with beautiful stamps.

For the second LO, I chose to design my own LO, with a little help from Pinterest:)  For the title, I had this cute title box left over from the JOY words on LO #1 above.  I paired this up with the Peace title cut from Artbooking.  Well, I just love circles and used the Art Philosophy cartridge to cut them out.

I hope you like these 2 LO's.  I'll be teaching these LOs at our January 8-10 Overnight Crop in Hyannis MA.  Please see the 'Crops' tab for information on signing up.  for the Class or to order this kit, please see 'Kits' tab.
Thanks, Maureen

Sunday, November 1, 2015

SOTM Blog Hop-- November

Hello, welcome to the November SOTM Blog hop!  This month we have close to 40 CTMH's consultants participating.  You should have arrived here from Pricilla's blog.  Should you get lost along the way, just click HERE for a list of all blog participants.

For the November SOTM, I choose to make the cover of my journal.  If you are like me, I tend to set goals at the new year with the best of intentions.  My goals range from loosing weight, to going to church more, and to eating less chocolate.  Although I start with the best intentions, I do start to loose track and energy.  But, 2016 will be different!!!  I'm going to journal and scrapbook my goals.

Here's a picture of the first page.  I'm using the Kraft 3-ring binder.  The size of the binder is 8 5/8 X 9 inches.   

For the cover I used the Sangria paper line.  One of the pages has an ombre look.  For the arrows, I cut our a background from the Artistry CTMH Cricut cartridge.  The shape was cut out 6.75 inches.

Since the focus for 2016 is a "New Year, New Me!", all the arrows point to this.

From the "Adventure" Fundamental Sticker Packs, I wrote the words Goals.    

I didn't have a chance to complete all of the pages inside. I will post those pages when complete.

Next up on the hop is Chris, please visit her blog and all of the consultants blogs-- you will not be disappointed.

Thanks for stopping by,