Saturday, November 21, 2015

BG Adrift LO

Hello, I'm back again.  Here's another LO that I made a while back, but never posted.  I have a bunch of cards to post too!

I love lighthouses and in 2014 we vacationed in Newport RI.  After seeing the mansions and shopping, it was lighthouse time.  On our little boat trip we saw 4 lighthouses!

Below is a LO using Basic Grey's (BG) Adrift line.
For the design, I used a sketch on Pinterest. I just love circles and arrows! I've used this sketch before on a CTMH LO.

The two lighthouses shown are:  Newport Harbor Lighthouse and Beavertail Lighthouse.  The Beavertail Lighthouse is actually in Jamestown RI-- right next to Newport.
That's it for now. 
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen


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