Monday, April 25, 2016

CTMH-- Regatta WYW

Hello, sorry I haven't been able to keep up with my blog:(  The funny part is that I have been able to get some crafting done.  I just don't have the time to take pictures of my work and blog it!  But, I hope to change this!

Here are some LOs that I did using CTMH's Regatta Workshop Your Way (WYW).  The WYW come complete with cutting instructions to do three 2-page layouts, project life, and cards. 

I decided to give the WYW a try.  And, I'm happy to report the new program is awesome.  Yes, there are some downfalls-- mainly no stamp included-- but the LO designs are simple and easy.

Here is the first LO.  I followed the instructions exactly and just added some pennants.

This LO is special to me.  My youngest and I travelled to San Diego and visited the stunning Coronado Hotel. 

For the second LO, I had some pics of my oldest daughter's fun filled boat excursion.
The Regatta paper is just perfect for capturing the summer moments, especially if you live in the New England area! The bad news is this paper line is only available through the end of April.  If you'd like to order this workshop or paper line, please let me know.  And, if it's beyond April 30th, I most likely will still have a few:)
Thanks, Maureen


  1. LOVE your LOs....but especially the 1st one of the famous Hotel Del familiar to me as our son and his family live in San Diego and we visit often. Great job depicting it's beauty and also your daughters. I have the paper pack, but not the WYW...thinking about getting it now! :-)

  2. Thanks Coelle! I love the Coronado too! I couldn't get enough pictures. You are very lucky to live in such a wonderful area! Maureen
