Sunday, May 29, 2016

CTMH-- La Vie En Rose WOTG


With my daughter's Senior Prom this week, I thought it would be a good idea to post her Junior Prom LOs!  I used the La Vie En Rose WOTG and modified it slightly for my pictures.

This paper line has one floral page that often scares people away.  But, check out this line when you use every page except the floral page-- it has a classical flair.

The classical colors, lines and shapes can be used to capture any formal event-- whether it be a prom, anniversary or wedding.  And, add in your own colors to match your theme.  It all works!

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen:)


La Vie En Rose WOTG (G1100).  Only available through 7/31/16!!!


  1. Gorgeous LOs and also a gorgeous daughter. I had to laugh as I was definitely one frightened away from this paper by the flowered sheet, but then my granddaughters range in age from 2 mos to 4 yrs so the pastels work better in the books I'm making for them. Thanks sharing your crafting!

  2. Thanks for your comment Coelle! Yes the bold florals were a bit scary:) Hope you post your work on your blog too- would love to see it. Thanks again, Maureen
