Saturday, August 6, 2016

CTMH New Product Blog Hop

Hi, welcome to the new product blog hop!  If you've come here from Terrie's Blog, then you are on the right track.  The hop is one big circle.  Should you get lost along the way, please click HERE.

For my first project, I worked with the "Whimsy" Fundamental Line.  Whimsy's light colors are perfect for scrapbooking summer and tropical vacation getaways.

I paired the paper with the "Baby Girl Compliments" and awesome coordinating ribbon.  You'll see that the Baby Girl compliments work well with my pictures of my then 12 year old daughter in Martha's Vineyard-- she's certainly no baby!  The compliments work for many occasions, so don't be fooled by the name.

Next up is Alyson.  Please visit her blog:  Alyson's Blog and all of the other CTMH consultants.
Thanks, Maureen

CTMH Products:
Whimsy Ribbon (z3287)
Memory Protectors 4 (z3245)

product image
Tabbed Journal Cards Z3278

product image
Whimsy Z3255
product image
Baby Girl Z3272


  1. Super cute pages! I like the circle/square in the lines and the way you added the color strips! Great layout

  2. Great layout, love the doodle squares and circles. Love what you did with Whimsey. lovely work!

  3. Cool layout! You're right- don't let the name fool you!

  4. Love how you showed the baby compliments can be used outside Baby theme.

  5. Beautiful pages Maureen!! I really like your style! :)

  6. Thanks for sharing how to get past the name of the complement pack. Sometimes names of products discourage my customers who don't think outside the box. This will be a great sample to share with them.

  7. This is just gorgeous- I love the softness of the Whimsy palette.

  8. Love these pages...and just in time as I'm working with the Whimsy fundamentals too! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  9. Fabulous layout! Love the way you use the pen to draw the circle and squares.

  10. Fun layout! I love the papers you used together.

  11. great way to showcase how you used the "baby girl compliments" in an older way
