Monday, January 2, 2017

Carta Bella Christmas Delivery-- Interactive Book


Back again with another peek into a class that we're offering at our Winter Wonderland crop in January.

I'm here to share our talented crafty friend's work, Robyn Serino!  Last year, Robyn created a stunning inactive book featuring CTMH's White Pines.  This year she is back with another inactive book using Carta Bella's Christmas Delivery.  And, boy did Robyn nail it again!  This 6X6 book contains 10 gorgeous pages full of tags, photo mats, cards and embellishments that you can pull out and tuck away!

Below are photos of the cover and 10 pages.

The next set of photos contain a sample of the interactive photo mats, tags, and lists, etc.

 4X4 Flip Flap
Embossed paper.
Acrylic snowflake.

 Pocket for lists and pics.
 Photo mat.
More photo mats. 

Cost of this class is $33.00. The class will be held on Saturday, 1/14/17, in Hyannis. If you can't make it and would like to order a kit, then select this option under the Kits tab above.

Class size limited to 11.  Robyn's class sold out last year, so sign-up today!

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

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