Wednesday, February 8, 2017

CTMH Dreamin 2-page LO

Hello, I know, I'm on a roll!

Here' a LO using CTMH's new line Dreamin'.  When some of my friends saw this line, they thought young boys.  While it does work for boys, below I'll show how it works to document any type of adventure!

This past summer, my daughter spent one full week in Maine's Acadia National Park.    Here is a LO to document that experience.

Here is the entire 2-page LO.

To fill in some of the blank spaces, I used CTMH's "Ink Blot" (D1660) stamp. Here, I stamped it in Daisy White.

Here's a look at the stamp.  This is a must have for scrapbookers! (I know you could spritz the ink on yourself, but this is a quick, clean way to get that look.)

The Dreamin paper line is available until April 30th or until it sells out.

Come on, scrap those adventures and/or create new ones!

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen


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