Sunday, February 18, 2018

CTMH Stargazer LOs

Hi, I hope you are enjoying the long weekend!  I love having an extra day off because after I do all my errands and cleaning I can scrap:)

I finished up three 2-page LOs using CTMH's Stargazer line.  I had so much fun with this whimsical line!  I love all the primary colors.

I created the LOs so that they could be used for both boys and girls.

Here is a closer look at the first LO.  I found the sketch on Pinterest and loved the triangles.  To make the circles, I just traced different sized circles, easy peasy!

For the second LO, I cut out some hexagon shapes from the Artistry cartridge.

For the third LO, I cut out a globe using CTMH's We Are Here Cartridge.  I stamped the title using 'Stargazer' scrapbook stamp set and the "A New Adventure" (B1565) "The World is Yours to Explore", "Reach For the Stars, and "Go For It:.  Both stamps are must haves!
Here's a closer look at the last 2 pages:

I hope you liked these LOs.  I have loads of pictures that will go with this paper line.

To order your pre-cut kit with directions, please click HERE.  The kits will ship out in March and I'll be teaching this as a class on April 14th.

Thanks for stopping by:)


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