Sunday, April 29, 2018

CTMH-- Gimme Some Sugar LO

Hi everyone!

CTMH has a new seasonal catalog coming out on May 1st.  I can't wait to show you all the good stuff!  I've been busy:)

Today, I'm going to show you some LOs from CTMH's Gimme Sugar paper line.  This line is only available until April 30, so if you haven't purchased this line, then get to it!

For my workshops, I normally create my own.  For this line, I used a file from a fellow CTMH consultant Kelly Fitzgerald Baxter.  Her work is absolutely amazing.  Below are tree 2-page LOs.

Here's a closer look at the LOs:
This is my fav!  Love the doily circles.

The second LO is super cute too!  I love the apron.  All these cuts were using the CTMH Cricut cartridges

Here's the third LO:

Well, I hope this has inspired you to get the Gimme Some Sugar line before it is no longer available!

Thanks for stopping by,

 CTMH Products

1 comment:

  1. This has certainly been my favorite paper collection. I bought the WYW, 3 additional packs, plus the bulk! And I'm still loving it. I used every single pattern. And I bought 3 additional peacock stitch ribbons! Eek. P.S. Your layouts are just darling!
