Sunday, April 15, 2018

PhotoPlay Paprika

Hi, so sorry I've been ignoring my blog!  The funny thing is that I'm creating a ton of stuff-- just not posting it:(  I will get back on track.

Here is a quick LO that I did using PhotoPlay's Paprika line.  My oldest daughter is a sophomore in college and she is a 'Hippy Chick'!  I think she should have been born in the 70's versus the 90's!  This paper line really captured the essence of Shae.

For the LO, I used CTMH's white daisy card-stock and flicked some yellow paint all over the base. If you don't like plain white LO bases, then take out your paints and just flick drops on paint on. The technique is so simple and so worth it.

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

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