Sunday, May 19, 2019

Carta Bella-- Pack Your Bags


This summer, my daughter and I traveled to China for an adoption heritage trip.  We met ~15 other girls that were Abby's Age.

I couldn't resist using Carta Bella's Pack Your Bag Collection kit.  The first layout is memories from the LONG flight home.  Seven hours into the trip and 2 movies later, I realized that we were only 1/2 way home!  As the pictures show, I am very tired:(

Here is a close up of the LO.  Using twine, I drew the route from Singapore to Boston.

I also used this paper line to document Abby's Scooter ride!  Abby hitched a ride in Hunan.  Scooters were everywhere! 

The trip to China was a trip of a lifetime.  I'll have lots more to share:)
Thanks for stopping by,

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