Monday, August 5, 2019

Carta Bella-- Gone Camping


Every year my duaghter goes to camp, I end up scrapbooking her.  I guess its my way of dealing with missing her:)

Below is 4 pages using Carta Bella's 'Gone Camping' line.  I knew I just needed to have this line once it came out. I screams camping and all things outdoors!

For the first LO, I cut out a canoe on my cricut.  

For the second LO, I stamped some paint splatters and then I dripped some CTMH brown pait drops.  I wish I did this on the first LO.  For the second LO, I did copy this one.  I hate to copy, but I loved it.  Every time I tried to think of something else to do, I kept coming back to this. 

On this page, I cut the title using my cricut.  I'm getting good at welding words!

Since I still had pictures, but no energy to do another LO, I used CTMH's Pocket Plus Memory Protectors-- Design 1. 

Thanks for stopping by,

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