Thursday, August 1, 2019

PhotoPlay-- Best Dad Ever


As many of you may know, my dad passed in February.  Although we had a lot of time to prepare, it was still very hard.  On one hand, I am grateful that he is no longer suffering.  But on the other hand, I'd like to see him just one more time:(

When I saw PhotoPlay's new line called Best Dad Ever, I knew I just had to have it!

The LO is very simple with one picture.  But that picture spoke volumes to me.  The picture was taken 1-2 years before my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.  Up to that point, my dad was very active-- always helping us girls paint our homes, etc.  When we moved into our Ash Street house, this was the last time my dad could help.  Climbing ladders were tough.

I am thankful for all the memories and know I'll see my dad again.

Thanks, Maureen

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