Sunday, September 27, 2020

Carta Bella Summer Market

 Hello everyone and welcome Fall!

I'm here to share a Summer LO that I did before Summer started.  I left the photo mats empty and decided to fill them with a Summer memory.  

With Covid, we haven't done much travelling this year.  Instead we spent a lot of time in our yard.  I expanded my flower gardens and mulched them all.  Stan tried to grow grass again (!) and we had a shed installed.  

One of the gardens has a Raspberry bush.  Stan and Abby planted it ~4 years ago.  Maybe it's because we were home, but it seemed like we had the biggest Raspberry harvest ever!

Here's a few photos of Abby and our dog Leo.

Here's what the blank LO looked like.

What is your favorite summer memory?

Thanks for stopping by,

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