Monday, November 30, 2020

Carta Bella Hello Autumn

 Hi everyone,

Time is flying and winter will soon be upon us!  Here is a LO I did using Carta Bella's Hello Autumn paper line.  I just love anything with a truck on it!  

The colors of this line matched perfectly with my daughter's senior pictures.  The pictures were taken at a Mill in Massachusetts.  

For the design, I simply cut a few 5x5 squares and then cut them into diagonals.  By using a wooden base, it just makes the colors pop.

Here is a closer view of the LOs:
 Here's another look:

Thanks for stopping by.  
Stay crafty, Maureen

1 comment:

  1. I am a beginner scrapper. I'm attempting to make a combination of a scrapbook and recipe book. I have not seen what I have in mind anywhere. Is there any advice you can share? Also have you ever tried using fabric for a background? I tried and it works.
