Monday, November 16, 2020

Photoplay Cabin Fever

Hi, I'm back again with another LO.  As I mentioned, I was able to actually scrap at an overnight retreat that South Shore Scrappers ran.

To continue my 'Covid Diaries', I used Photoplay's Cabin Fever.  This paper was perfect to document our time outside.  And, boy did we spend a lot of time outside!  My mom came over often and our dogs were out several times per day. I'm not sure what next summer will bring in terms of covid.  I know one thing, I will miss those simple days!

I used SGV file from Paige Evans to cut the Circled Stars.  Here's a closer look:

I just love the photo of our dog Rosie.  My daughter tried to do a continuous photo.  Check out her curly tail!

Here's the second page:

Well that's it for tonight.
Thank you for stopping by, Maureen

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