Sunday, July 18, 2021

CTMH New Blog Hop-- July/August

Hello and welcome to the CTMH new product blog hop!  If you came here from Lauren's Blog, then you are on the right path!  This blog hop is one big loop.  Should you get lost along the way, please see Melinda's Blog for a list of all the participants.

The new seasonal catalog is full of great products!  For this hop, I chose to focus on the Isabella line.  I wasn't too sure about this paper, but the blues really make it pop.  

My daughter recently went to Charleston South Carolina with her friends.  The buildings in soft pastels were stunning and this paper went with it perfectly.

Here is the first page of her trip LO.  The new CTMH 'Make It From Your Heart' volume 5 featured a weaving technique.  I decided to give it a try.  I love how it came out!  I'm sorry the photo of my daughter is hard to see.  I'll take another photo of this LO when there is better lighting.

To continue with documenting my daughter's trip, I put together the Isabella WYW.  Here is a photo of one of the LOs:

I just purchased the Isabella PML cards and hope to complete this trip for her.

If you'd like to order some of the new CTMH products and do not have a consultant, then please visit My Store or email me.  

Please be sure to visit all of the consultants' blogs.  Next up is the talented Becca Whitham-- Becca's Blog.
Thank you, Maureen


  1. The weaving on your layout looks like such a fun technique that I need to try! Great layouts!

  2. The weaving on that first layout is terrific - what a great technique!

  3. Fabulous pages. The papers you selected to weave look fantastic together. A wonderful background for the photo.

  4. Wow! Just WOW!! Love both of them, but that first one made me gasp!

  5. In credible, Maureen! I love the weaving and would never have thought of weaving those papers! So pretty. Getaway tiles are wonderful!!!

  6. the paper weaving is fabulous! Great abuts to mark your daughter's trip.

  7. Love your first layout with the weave! Bothe are great!

  8. That paper weaving is stunning!
