Monday, November 1, 2021

CTMH November SOTM Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to the November SOTM Blog Hop!  If you came her from Becca-Expressions Blog, then you are on the right path.  Should you get lost along the way, please see Melinda's Blog for a list of all the participants.

For my project, I used the stamp set to document my youngest daughter's HS graduation.  My daughter and her friend lead the Pledge Allegiance to Flag because both joined the National Guard as reservists.  I haven't seen my daughter since she left in June for Boot Camp and Military Police training.

Thankfully, we will see next week as she graduates from the National Guard and Military Police-- can't wait!

Here's a close of the sentiment.  It worked perfectly!

If you'd like to get the SOTM for only $5 or for free and don't have a CTMH consultant, then please let me know.

Next up is Stefani Ewing.  Please see Stefani's Blog and all of the consultants' blog.

Thank you, Maureen


  1. Great way to use this sentiment! Wonderful layout!

  2. What a perfect stamp set for this photo!

  3. What a wonderful memory! You did a great job documenting it!

  4. Awesome layout and great use of the sentiment!

  5. Please thank your daughter for her service! What a great layout of such a special moment!

  6. This layout is perfect for this sentiment!

  7. Oh wow! What a fabulous moment to scrapbook! It looks wonderful!
