Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Stick It Down-- February 2 page Layout

 Hi, Maureen here with the Stick It Down February 2 page sketch LO!!

For this challenge, I scrapped a recent tirp to Quebec City.  When I saw the large heart in the sketch and just new I needed a travel sign/globe  Well nothing worked better than this Route sign.  If took over 7 hours to drive from Boston to Quebue City!  

When we arrived in Canada at the border, we had to show our Covid Vaccine cards.  I remembered to bring mine but forgot to fill out a form that was due at the gate.  So, we had to pull into the office while I completed it:)

I hope this sketch inspired you to get some paper crafting done this month.  Please see all the design teams projects this month and keep crafting!
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

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