Sunday, June 24, 2012

CTMH-- Stella LO using 'Fashionista' and 'Just For You' Stamp Sets

Happy Sunday:)

If you are a CTMH fan, then you've seen the cover of the current catalog many times. It features CTMH's Stella paper line and 'Just for You' stamp set. A couple of months ago, I recreated this cover to document the day my daughter's braces were taken off. This was a big deal since it was 4 years in the waiting!!

Well, I never did a second page. Once I received some pictures for her orthodontist, I knew I had the pictures that I was waiting for. The second page not only shows the transformation in her smile, but also the transformation from an adolescent to a young teen.  Wow, I don't know where those 4 years went! 

CTMH also carries a number of Alphabet/Numeric sets.  These come in handy when you want to quickly ink something up to match a LO or card.  Here, I used the 'Trinity' Alphabet set (E1021) for the dates and title: transformation.

Other CTMH supplies used:  Stella Paper Pack X7147B; Stella Canvas Shapes X7147B; 'Just for you' Stamp Set B1398; 'Fashionista' Stamp Set D1504; Neutral Brown twine Z1701; Bohemian Assortment(Lace) Z1687; Chocolate Ink Pad Z2111; and Olive Mini Accents Z1489.

Remember, the buy 2 stamps sets, get 1 free runs through the end of June.

Thanks, Maureen:)

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