Monday, June 18, 2012

Intermediate Certification in Copic Markers

Yes, I did it!  I completed a 2 day Copic Marker Intermediate Certification process.  And, boy was it tough!!  We learned about light sources, shading, blending, feathering and flicking.  All I can say is wow!!  I never knew there was so much to learn about basic art! 

Our instructor was Marianne Walker from the Copic Corp Office in Washington State. I also met a nice group of women at the session.  We plan to keep in contact and challenge each other.

What does the 'Certification' mean?  It means that I can teach classes on how to use Copic Markers.  What about CTMH?  CTMH is still my favorite, preferred and go to product.   

So, I'll point out projects here and there where I use Copic Markers. Please bear with me as I continue to perfect my skills.

Thanks, Maureen:)


  1. Thanks Nancy! It's been a goal of mine to obtain this certication. Now, I have to color something!! Thanks again, Maureen
