Monday, August 5, 2019

Carta Bella-- Gone Camping


Every year my duaghter goes to camp, I end up scrapbooking her.  I guess its my way of dealing with missing her:)

Below is 4 pages using Carta Bella's 'Gone Camping' line.  I knew I just needed to have this line once it came out. I screams camping and all things outdoors!

For the first LO, I cut out a canoe on my cricut.  

For the second LO, I stamped some paint splatters and then I dripped some CTMH brown pait drops.  I wish I did this on the first LO.  For the second LO, I did copy this one.  I hate to copy, but I loved it.  Every time I tried to think of something else to do, I kept coming back to this. 

On this page, I cut the title using my cricut.  I'm getting good at welding words!

Since I still had pictures, but no energy to do another LO, I used CTMH's Pocket Plus Memory Protectors-- Design 1. 

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Photoplay-- Free Bird


I came across these nice pictures of my daughter with her GS camp friends.  She has known these girls for over 4 years.  This year, my daughter is too old for camp. So, she decided to be a counselor!  The good thing is, her friends will also be counselors.

I found this sketch in my CTMH 'Love of Color' book.  If you don't have this, then you must purchase it!  The book has lots of ideas.

I'm trying to use all of my supplies, so I broke out some Maya Road orange spray.  I sprayed the love chipboard and then dripped some on the white LO base.  I had random small rectangle on my desk, so I used this as well.

Here is a closer look:

Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

Friday, August 2, 2019

Bella Blvd-- Island Escape

Hello,  I have a week off between jobs. So, what's a girl to do??  Scrapbook!

Here's a LO I did using Bella Blvd's Island Escape.  The funny thing is these are pictures from NH-- which is not an Island Escape!  No worries, the paper still works:)

I found the sketch on Pinterest.  I love to use a bunch of different elements because flat is not me!  So, I used some CTMH twine & bling, along with Bella Blvd's washi tape, felt bow and chip board.

Here's a closer look at the page:

I hope this has inspired you to get your groove on and scrap!
Thanks for stopping by, Maureen

Thursday, August 1, 2019

PhotoPlay-- Best Dad Ever


As many of you may know, my dad passed in February.  Although we had a lot of time to prepare, it was still very hard.  On one hand, I am grateful that he is no longer suffering.  But on the other hand, I'd like to see him just one more time:(

When I saw PhotoPlay's new line called Best Dad Ever, I knew I just had to have it!

The LO is very simple with one picture.  But that picture spoke volumes to me.  The picture was taken 1-2 years before my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.  Up to that point, my dad was very active-- always helping us girls paint our homes, etc.  When we moved into our Ash Street house, this was the last time my dad could help.  Climbing ladders were tough.

I am thankful for all the memories and know I'll see my dad again.

Thanks, Maureen