Sunday, April 26, 2020

CTMH Blue Skies-- 8 page LO

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well.  Massachusetts is still on lock down and tomorrow marks my 5th week working from home.  Typically, I work 1 day per week off.  Now, I'm doing 5!  I thought I'd love it.  But, I loose track of time and miss talking to people.  Here's hoping we are back to our old lives soon!

During this strange time, CTMH has kept me busy.  They have been coming out with kit after kit and new line after new line!  The products are incredible.

Below is an 8 page LO that I created using CTMH's Blue Skies line.  The colors are bright and vibrant.  They make you want to run out and fly a kite or do something fun:)

First the first LO,  I used CTMH's Cricut Everyday Moments.  The circles are so much fun!

Here's a close up of the second LO.  This page was easy because the paper had the title 'Wonderful' right on it.

The 3rd LO was inspired by a sketch I found on pinterest.  If you haven't noticed, I like triangles, circles and squares.  This LO has a triangle, quilt pattern.

For the last LO, I used up all the scraps I had.  Can't wait to fill this page with fun pics!

This 8-page kit is pre-cut and includes instructions.  It will available on May 10th.  Order yours today!

Thanks for stopping by,