Friday, May 8, 2020

CTMH Aurora

Hi there,

how are you holding up?  It's week 6 for me working from home.  They are turning part of my office into a Covid-19 unit for some of our patients.  So, I'll be working from home for a while!!

During the last 2 decades, I've worked from home. It has mainly been for 1 day per week.  Doing full time was a lot harder than I thought.  I miss talking to people and my routine.  I look forward to when we'll be on the other end of this!  Please stay safe.

Anyway, I've had some extra time on my hands.  I just completed this 6 page LO kit.  It will be ready to ship out on 5/15.  Please pre-order yours!

Thank you for stopping by,


  1. Sorry, it is sold out. Please see current outdoor kits-- Wander and Timber. Thanks, Maureen
