Sunday, October 15, 2023

Stick it Down 2-page Sketch-- October 2023

Hello and happy Sunday!

October is my favorite time of the year.  The days are still long and colors in New England are spectacular!  

Here is a Layout I created for the Stick It Down 2 page sketch.  I stayed pretty true to the sketch, except I used less photos.  I really liked all the pennants because it gave me a chance to use a variety of Italy inspired paper.

If you haven't been to Italy, then put it on your list.  The sights are amazing and so is the food.  Everything tastes better in Italy, even the street sandwiches!

Here is the sketch.  

Please come by and check out the Stick It Down Face Book page.  Join our little group and get some scrapping done!  Click here for Facebook Page

Thanks Maureen

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Buy monopoly go stickers said...

Happy Sunday, Maureen! Your layout for the Stick It Down 2-page sketch is absolutely gorgeous. The pennants are such a fun touch and really showcase the beautiful Italy-inspired paper. I can almost taste the delicious Italian food just by looking at it! October is indeed a wonderful time of year, and your creativity shines through in your work. I'll definitely check out the Stick It Down Facebook page and join the fun. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!

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