To kick off the summer, we will be holding 2 crops. One crop is our standard monthly crop and the other is a special 12 hour crop. Check out the details below:
1. June 13th-- 8 Hour Crop-- One Year Anniversary
First Parish Church, Norwell MA
Come help us celebrate our one year anniversary! We'll have cake of course, along with 8 long hours of crafting galore:)
The cost of $25 includes
- 4 feet of crafting space- Games
- Classes available
- Snacks & Drinks
Cost $25 per crafter
2. Christmas Day in July Crop-- July 25th
Holiday Inn, RocklandThe cost of $65 includes:
- Lunch and Dinner
- Electricity at each table
- Snacks & Drinks
- Air Conditioned Room:)
- Classes available
Cost $65 per crafter